Sunday, 17 August 2014

Second Arab British Economic Forum

The second Arab-British Economic Forum will take place on 21 Oct 2014 at the Millennium Hotel, 44 Grosvenor Square, London W1K 2HP. This forum is an initiative of the Arab-British Chamber of Commerce in partnership with Jordan Chamber of Commerce, League of Arab States, the General Union of Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture and United Kingdom Trade & Investment.  Its aim is to provide a platform for dialogue and cooperation, to strengthen commercial ties, deepen cooperation and promote investment in both directions.

The programme will focus on:
  • business opportunities in Jordan
  • Islamic banking and finance
  • energy sustainability, and
  • logistics and technology.
The event is expected to attract business leaders from the banking, construction, energy, healthcare, IT, logistics, retail and tourism industries, universities and other educational institutions, government and diplomatic representatives. 

The event costs £100 for Arab-British Chamber of Commerce members. £150 for non-members and those who want to attend the dinner can register through the Chamber's website. It should be a memorable event.

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